Herbal kashayam, கஷாயம், home remedy for cold, sore throat, கை வைத்தியம். With thulsi leaves and other handy items available in pantry.
This is the kashayam best when we have slight cold or sore throat. It is very soothing for throat and gives instant relief for blocked nose too.
Each herb added in this kashayam has it's own medicinal value and plays it part to give relief to an extent.
Disclaimer: It is best to consult doctor for colds sustained more than 3 days. This will just help you to feel better without any side effects.
Licorice AKA athimadhuram tastes really sweet in this drink, so no bitter taste or too much spice at all in this kashayam.
Smells also really good, so anyone can have this kashayam (only for adults)

Herbal kashayam Ingredients:
Holy basil leaves 10Moringa leaves 1 tbsp
Coriander leaves 1 sprig
Long pepper powder 1/2 tsp
Cumin seeds 1 tsp
Turmeric 1 tsp
Black pepper powder 1 tsp
Licorice powder 1 tsp
Water 200 to 250 ml
In Tamil:
துளசி இலை 10
கொத்தமல்லி இலை 1 சிறிய கொத்து
முருங்கை கீரை 1 tbsp
மஞ்சள் தூள் 1 tsp
அரிசி திப்பிலி 1/2 tsp
மிளகு தூள் 1 tsp
ஜீரகம் 1 tsp
அதிமதுரம் 1 tsp
தண்ணீர் 1 கப் (200 ml )

Herbal kashayam method:
- Add water to a pan with all other ingredients. Bring to boil and put the flame to medium for 10 mins.
- Let it boil until it turns half the quantity.
- Filter and mix salt if needed.
- Have it hot.

Have it once or twice as needed.

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